Sunday, April 20, 2008

Does changing places alter perspective?

I think in some ways it does...

I'm all moved out of my apartment now, and at Roper's for tonight at least. It's nice, in a way - more space... I'm just hanging out with Jason Wood, who's living here for the summer, and chatting playing on my computer.

Adam drinks a lot of tea, I appreciate that about him.

I've just been reflecting on this year a bit... It's been a really good one. Some big hurdles along the way, but I think each of those have helped me move forward in a positive manner, bringing me closer in step with Christ (I hope). And isn't that the goal? Less of me, more of Him?

How does that happen without losing identity? Someone once told me that as we become more like Christ, we become more like ourselves - that Christ doesn't destroy our personality and gifts, but illuminates them and accentuates them. I become more 'me' with Christ than I would on my own.

I wonder if that is true? I think it must be.

I've got one more real day in Abbotsford, and then I'm off hopping around the Lower Mainland for the week, before ending up in Nanaimo to begin my fishing adventure for two months. I'm a little anxious about that - two months without a break is long. But it's not that hard of work, and the pay is good, and I have plenty of books to read in the evenings. Oh, and I *should*, God willing, have cell coverage, which means access to my email and texting... which will help to keep me sane (I hope).

Highlights from this past year:

Running sound for Vespers
Listening to rock music for class
New Orleans
Meeting, and increasing, friendships - Alan, Ashley, Roper, Hoos, Andrea, Laurie, Scott, Jason, and Angela... The friendships I've made this year have really meant something. I've learnt so much from so many people.
Good beer
Good food
Effective Relationships (the class)
Getting my camera

Man, a lot of memories. I feel like I've changed so much this year. It's interesting, because I remember last March-April feeling like I was on the brink - like life was bringing me somewhere that was going to change my entire paradigm. And now, looking back, I think that was true.

Where from here? How will I change over this next year? Only God knows. But I'm holding His hand, and so I'm confident that the journey will continue exactly as it should.

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