Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Well, day 2 of my grand school adventure.

Yesterday was the last day of Camp Qwanoes 2007. During my time there I wrestled with a lot of questions about my future. What am I doing? Where am I going? Where would god be able to use me best? Answers didn’t come easily. For a while it looked like I was going to stay at Qwanoes. I would work there part-time, work at Warmland church part-time, and be on my way towards being a youth pastor. But something just didn’t sit right. I prayed about it, and talked to some people, and gradually I came to the realization that I haven’t been called to be a youth pastor. Going that route was always just a means to an end; that Gos has called me in to some sort of ministry... but I don’t think that ministry is to be a youth pastor.

So I started exploring other options. Where was I supposed to be? Briercrest seemed attractive... I knew a lot of people there, and they had good programs... but nothing that really caught my eye or my heart. I then started looking at Columbia Bible College. I was instantly attracted to their Intercultural Studies program. Besides being an accredited BA, it also includes a ten-month internship. They help you decide where you want to go, and what you want to do, and then give you the tools to go and do that. It sounded like an amazing opportunity.

I applied, and was accepted, and now I’m sitting in Richmond at a Chevron in a broken-down Chevrolet. Huh.

I brought Ryan Lee and Michael Down over with me on the ferry, and just dropped Michael off at the airport about a half-hour ago. I got urned around coming out of the Airport and wound up in Richmond trying to find my way back to the highway and continue on my way to Abbotsford. I knew my car wasn’t healthy... I got it for free, after all. I was just hoping against hope and praying that it would make it as far as Abbotsford. Unfortunately, I came up to a red light, heard a “thunk”, and realized that it wasn’t shifting out of gear. Thankfully I made it a little farther, because there was no where at all to pull off there. But about 10 minutes later I rolled up to another stop light,hear a weird sound, and my car dies. Thankfully (again) the guy behind me jumped out of his car and helped me push mine into the parking lot of the Chevron.

So here I sit. God’s helped me make some choices: Hopefully I’ll be living with Alan and Jason now, seeing as how they’re right across the sreet from school. I also won’t have to pay for insurance, which is another good thing, I suppose. I wish He would teach me things the easy way sometimes....

This summer has been a crazy one. Emotionally, spiritually, physically, I’ve been a mess for a good chunk of it. But through that, God has used me. I know it. I just hope I’ve made the right choice. I really do. Only time will tell.

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