Monday, August 13, 2007

a blog

Wow, haven't updated in a long, long time.

Summer is lon, exhausting, and great. I've had more than a couple adventures...

Adventure # 1: dealing with differing personalities and weird girls. 'nuff said.

#2: Kait's wedding. It was absolutely great and amazing. I took a whole ton of photos, some of which turned out great, others not so great. But I think they'll be happy with them once I get the all boiled down. we had spectacular weather for the wedding itself, and the location was great. Pictures to come eventually.

#3: going to the theatre. My friend Laura is the assistant stage manager for The Number 14, a comedy about the day in the life of a transit bus. Some Monty Python, a dash of Mr. Bean, some bizarre masks, and general caziness all the way around.... and she got me a free ticket! I also got a tour backstage, and had a really great time in general.

#4: Camp. It's an adventure all in itself. 3 more weeks!

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