Sunday, June 10, 2007


Open House was crazy. The morning started super slow, and it poured rain, dampening our spirits before the guests even arrived... Rain also makes footage way harder to get. People started arriving at noon, we shot til 3:15, and started editing, but I didn't really give myself enough time, so I was editing til 10 minutes before Q-Town started. blah.

But we got 'er done, and life moves on. It was a great trial run for the summer, and I have a good idea of what we have to work on as the summer grows closer. less than three weeks now...

We still have to shoot Program videos and the music video, plus make the DVD intros.

On another note, I'm reading A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren right now. I love it so far. He' saying a lot of the things I've been thinking about over the past year, and that's awesome.

I'm going to Victoria tonight to go to The Place, and to get some sushi. it should be great times.

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