Thursday, June 28, 2007

small(er) camp: Fair Trade at Qwanoes

So today Camp Qwanoes officially made the switch to Level Ground Coffee. I think this is an awesome step on the journey towards being truly Missional: dropping the lines between environmentalism and Christianity, Ethical consumerism and Faith.

It's a small step, but I think a radically important one. Other things camp is doing:

Those twisty low-watt lightbulbs
reusing paper where possible (we could do better here)
LCD monitors almost everywhere
Keeping the camp 'green'; no pulling up living plants, staying to the paths, teaching kids to treat creation with respect...

does anyone have some other ideas on what camp could do to be small(er)?
PS, the term small(er) is stolen from James over at Small(er) blog.


James Kingsley said...

sweet to hear man! thanks for posting. i linked to the post from the small(er) blog...

Jordan said...

Thanks for the link James!

I've got to find more time to post...